Bringing young people together
Over 300 people from 25 churches across Birmingham came to BCM's Fulfil youth event in March to worship, learn about God and have a lot of gladiator fun!

We welcomed award-winning singer, Becca Folkes and Warren Furman, aka ‘Ace’ of the original Gladiators series. A lot of fun was had as youth enthusiastically sang along to Becca's worship songs and threw themselves into an inflatable ‘Gladiator Duel'. It was thrilling to see how attentively they listened to the two speakers, who clearly focussed on Jesus, giving praise to God for his saving power and transformative work in their lives.
This Fulfil was our final one at Mount Zion Community Church after 11 years and 29 events there, and we are thankful for their partnership over these years. It also marked the 15th anniversary of Fulfil's foundation in 2010, which was cause for celebration on the night!
Our next Fulfil will be on 27th June at Trinity@Birmingham church in Small Heath.