Moving forwards
In June and July the numbers attending the Care Centre averaged 69 each day and on some days reached over 90. Whilst hot meals are still provided there is a renewed focus on helping to move people forwards in their lives.

There have been free eye tests, MIND visits fortnightly and the DWP Work and Health Pioneer Programme has come along to talk about training with clients. Recently work parties of staff and clients have really enjoyed their regular trips to the Fruit and Nut Village in Balsall Heath to help at the community allotment there.
Here are just a few comments from three of our Care Centre clients:
'I come because I'm a Care Centre Helper and I like the company. The role involves supporting the staff, chatting with service users, counting people in and letting other people know about this service or about other services the Care Centre is linked with. It gets me out of the house and by keeping me busy it stops me re-offending. I’ve really enjoyed going to the allotment, being in the fresh air, being part of a wider community and positive friendships.'
'It's peaceful, there's no aggro. Hopefully I’ve got accommodation now as I’ve been sleeping rough. I see people I know here and can chat with them. It's good for my stability and mental health.'
'I come for companionship - I've not got many of my family or friends left due to bereavements. Doing art here, it keeps me calm. I’m worried about what is going to happen in September and October when services change and there is more pressure on the Care Centre.'