Nativities and turkey
BCM's ElderLink and Care Centre went all out to celebrate the Christmas season and the message of peace and hope that it brings.

ElderLink’s Christmas care home service, held in each of the 8 homes they visit, featured the nativity wrapped up in a box. The box contained costumes for characters in the story - a scarf and baby for Mary, head coverings for the shepherds, tinsel for the angels and crowns for the kings.
The story was told through Bible readings and carols. Wonderfully care home staff all joined in the singing at Arden Lodge’s service. Residents were invited to put on the costumes, bringing back fond memories of childhood nativities. Afterwards they made Christmas decorations over a chat.
Once again this Christmas The Oaklands Primary School supplied food hampers for ElderLink’s home Visiting Scheme members. The children spent their lunchtimes making individual cards for each one. Wanting to do even more, the school asked for ElderLink to arrange for their children’s choir to go and sing in one of the care homes they visit.
Hamper drops were enjoyed by staff, volunteers and Visiting Scheme members alike. For the older folk who used to attend ElderLink’s coffee clubs there was a special treat as visitors shared with them a video of Christmas greetings from former club friends - a chance to see each other’s faces again.
Meanwhile at the Care Centre there were full houses at two Christmas meals with delicious turkey dinners served and talks on the true meaning of Christmas - always a highlight of the year for clients, staff and volunteers. One client said, ‘It’s been a good year. Thanks for all you lot have done for me.’