With the help of many
It is only thanks to generous donations that BCM's Resource Centre is able to provide life's essentials to people who cannot afford them.

Those who come to the Resource Centre for help may be single or with families, many are out of work, and many struggle with mental health and addiction issues. Assistant Manager, Andy Morton, reported, 'There has been a big increase in the demand for furniture since the closure of Birmingham's homeless hostels in November. In a hostel there would have been a bed and food provided, but the council are now placing people in Houses in Multiple Occupation, or HMOs, and these seem to come unfurnished.

Our greatest need at the Resource Centre is for more volunteer help on our two vans - drivers and drivers' mates - to make sure they're both out on the roads collecting and delivering. Do give us a call on 0121 766 6603 if you have time to spare.'
Helen Fisher, Resource Centre Administrative Assistant, said, 'We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated food. That is 54 churches, 47 schools and colleges and many more. The food has to be date stamped and sorted by our volunteers - company groups, individuals and, as a special mention, students from the Hive who come 2 days each week.
The Reverse Advent Calendar boxes, some beautifully wrapped, are a huge help in ensuring the food bank shelves are stocked to see us through the year. Christmas can be a happy time - this year we had our first grandson and he’s gorgeous. We also think of Pat, one of our volunteers who has been very ill. He is now home and, although he still cannot hear, is doing really well. But then we think of those who have lost loved ones and of the family of Liam, our volunteer who died recently, and ask that you would pray for them. We do miss Liam and even now people ask where he is.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. We would not be able to do it without you all.'